The Website will be updated over the next 2 weeks to include adoptable horses .
Many contact attempts were not forwarded and I was unaware many had reached out to Epona.
This has been corrected and we will receive communications moving forward .
These images represent many of the horses Epona has saved over the years. Some are in good homes, while some are over Rainbow Bridge. All are loved and will forever be a part of Epona.
Volunteers are the lifelines of this organization. Whether your knack is stuffing envelopes, talking to the horses, working on special projects, working with the horses or mucking stalls, you are making a positive contribution and difference in the lives of the horses at Epona Horse Rescue.
Rain or shine, the horses need to be cared for. Every day they need kindess and love. Every little bit helps and with your help, we can make the horses of Epona Horse Rescue happy, healthy and on their way to their forever homes!
"Volunteers don't get paid... not because they
are worthless, but because they are priceless."
- Sherry Anderson
Every little bit helps, and even if you can't help by donating your time, you can donate your love by taking care of one horse or ten horses in food, water and medications.
"Be the change you want to see in the world."
- Unknown
"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do." - Edward Everett Hale
Epona Horse Rescue is an organization based on the premise that all equine and other animals should live freely from cruelty, neglect and abuse.
This non-profit charity was established for the purpose of relieving the suffering of all equine from neglect, abuse and needless death. We wish to provide them with a loving environment and a second chance to find a caring home for the rest of their days. If no home can be found, Epona will become the sanctuary for the equine.
As a tool in the battle against neglect, Epona wishes to establish an educational program for owners of equine. Much of the abuse and neglect can be avoided when the owner has the proper knowledge to care for the sick, unhandled and/or aging equine. Many horses simply end up in a rescue situation due to lack of training or being too young or too old to be of use to mankind. Epona is dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of unbroken or unhandled horses and to the very young and the aged equine that are often rejected.
We will strive to educate the public on the fate of many of America's horses and ask for the support of the American public.
Money is always a pressing need in the rescue. Feed, hay, shelter and veterinary care are the largest of expenses. We also need farrier care, office support and volunteers to continue the work. Your support can help the rescue continue to rescue and rehabilitate these wonderful animals. \
We are a non-profit organization under the IRS 501 (c)(3) regulations.
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Crete, Nebraska | lin@eponahorserescue.org | 308-293-5654